Melco Products Limited
Unit 7, Fieldhouse Way, Sheffield. S4 7SF ~ Tel: 0114 2446866 ~ Email: enquiries@melco-products.co.uk

Terms and Conditions of sale
The Company's quotation shall constitute an offer to supply goods ("the Goods") on and subjed to the several terms and conditions of offer and sale hereinafter set out ("the Conditions"). An order shall only be accepted subject to the Conditions notwithstanding that the order form or other documents whereby the Buyer placed his order with the Company may contain or refer to printed terms or conditions inconsistent with or differing from the Conditions. Such order form or other document shall be deemed to constitute an unqualified acceptance of the Conditions unless expressly varied by the Company in writing.
Orders are only accepted for the execution at the prices and terms detailed in the Company's price list current at the date of despatch of the Goods. The Company reserves the right to withdraw or amend its price lists without notice. Prices quoted in the Company's price lists must be regarded as ex works prices not including Value Added Tax or similar charges.
Specifications and drawings as shown in our catalogue are subjed to change without notice unless otherwise agreed in writing.
The property in the Goods shall remain with the Company until it has received payment in full. It is expressly reserved that any law contradiding this clause shall not affed its rights concerning the goods. Restraints and/or other limitations which might be imposed on the property despite the reservations outlined in the preceding sentence must be reported to the Company immediately.
Terms of payment
Home Market: Due 15th of month following delivery. Export: According to special arrangements which are stated in our offers and/or invoices. If the account for the Buyer is overdue, the Company is entitled to suspend without notice performance of any of its obligations.
Force majeure
The Company undertakes to use all reasonable endeavours to execute orders as near the date specified for delivery as possible. All orders are accepted subject to delays caused by fires, industrial disputes, non-availability of raw materials or power supply, acts of providence or through any other cause whatsoever beyond the control of the Company and the Company shall not incur any liability or be responsible for any inconvenience, costs, losses or damages suffered by the buyer arising from such delays.
Governing law
The Conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of England. In the event of the Conditions being translated into a language other than English the English language shall prevail.
Buyer's Default
If the Buyer shall make default in or commit any breach of his obligations to the Company, or if the Buyer shall commit any act of bankruptcy, or have an execution or distress levied upon any of his goods or property or being a limited company if any resolution or petition to wind-up such company's business shall be passed or presented, or if a receiver of such a company's undertaking property or assets or any part thereof shall be appointed the Company shall have the right forthwith to terminate any contract then subsisting, without prejudice to any claim or right the Company may otherwise make or exercise.